Out inshallah! We get the keys to our new place on the 15th so we’ll be leasing this place through an agent soon. I am due in 2 weeks so hopefully we can have a smooth transition before I go to labour. (edit: I gave birth 2 weeks early, 3 days before we’re supposed to get the keys!). The good thing is, its only a 5 minute drive. So that makes it all a bit better as we don’t have to rush all in one go. I have been busy packing everything into boxes incase I give birth early, but usually they say first babies go over their due date. (edit:I didn’t manage to pack everything (due to early labour) so hubby had to chuck stuff into boxes and now I can’t find my things!). Notice the burgundy wall? No, I didn’t decide on that colour. It was already there when we first moved in.
Our new house needs a lot of work modernising. Though still in a very good living condition, I’d rather fix up the necessary such as, update the kitchen (more like demolish and re-build), strip out the ugly wallpaper and vinyl flooring etc before I move in with bubs. So the plan is to vacate this place before my due date. Get new tenants. Go to labour. Have bubs. Stay at parents for x amount of weeks until hubby finishes renovating. Move into our new home.
We got my sister to take photos so we can put it on lease soon inshallah. I really hope the new tenants will take good care of this house as much as I did. I am going to miss this place *sob*.
Photos courtesy of Fairuz Izman.

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