Posts Tagged With 'healthy lunchbox'

  • Feb
  • 14
  • 2016

FREE school meal planner template


Ever since my eldest started prep in sschool two weeks ago, I’ve had to be more organised with everything and that includes meal planning! When she was in kinder, it was only 3 times a week, and she was the only child in ‘school’. Now I have a preppie and a kinder going kid, so meal planner is a time and brain saver! I’ve designed one for us at home, a weekly planner, so feel free to download for personal use!

I love our Yumbox, my 3 year old kinder girl has one too! I love the fact that there are many little compartments inside this Yumbox. Its also leakproof which means I can put dips and yogurts inside.

The picture below are some of the snacks I packed for my preppy. Her lunch is packaged separately in another container. When I pick her up from school before the bell goes off, I hurry to check her snackbox in her bacg (outside her classroom) to see if she finished everything, and 99% of the time, everything is polished, Alhamdulillah!


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