These chocolate wrappers are designed to fit Aldi chocolate bars. Please remove the original chocolate packaging before placing these ones on top :)
Download previous years chocolate wrappers
These chocolate wrappers are designed to fit Aldi chocolate bars. Please remove the original chocolate packaging before placing these ones on top. They are best printed at Officeworks or any local print shop, black and white. It costs me only 10 cents each!
Download previous years chocolate wrappers
Pineapple tarts are such a Malay tradition for Raya(Eid). One of the best biskut raya (Eid cookies)!
You can make them in a few different shapes so I went with the flower and the ‘pineapple’ shape tarts. The flower was made using a tart cutter and the pineapple was done by hand, and the pattern was made using scissors (yes really!)
So proud of my little pineapple tarts! LOL
Adapted from Siti EmelIngredients
265g butter, room temperature**
2 tbsp icing sugar, sifted**
1 tbsp vanilla essence**
a pinch of salt**
1 drop of yellow food colour**2 egg yolks ##
1 egg white##2 tbsp corn flour ~
500grams plain flour, sifted ~Method
1. Beat/mix all ingredients ** in a mixer for 5 mins. I use a food processor
2. Add ingredients ## then mix again for another 5 mins
3. Add ingredients ~ then knead dough (in my food processor)
4. Set aside for 30mins. Then start making your tarts with the filling (recipe below)
5. Preheat oven at 160C for 20mins first
6. Then bake for 20mins!
500grams grated pineapple (juice drained)
250grams sugar
1 screwpine leaf (daun pandan)
2 drops orange food colouring
1. Cut pineapple and using a food processor, process till it becomes fine. Then drain the juice.
2. In a pot, combine all the ingredients and cook on a low to medium heat until it reduces and becomes like a jam consistency.
3. Let it cool before assembling the tarts