- Nov
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- 2011
in my deen
“…Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”
Surah Ra’d, ayah 28
- Nov
- 06
- 2011
happy eid al-adha | selamat hari raya aidil adha
- Nov
- 04
- 2011
in my deen
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet SAW said, “When it is a Friday, the angels stand at the gate of the mosque and keep on writing the names of people coming to the mosque in succession according to their arrivals. The example of the one who enters the mosque in the earliest hour is that of one offering a camel (in sacrifice). The one coming next is like one offering a cow and then a ram and then a chicken and then an egg respectively. When the Imam comes out (for Jumua prayer) they (i.e. angels) fold their papers and listen to the Khutba.”
Hadith Bukhari 2:51
- Oct
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