Posts Tagged With 'vintage'

  • Jan
  • 27
  • 2014

laundry > love or loath?

Hello & Happy Monday all!

Its hot here in Melbourne with temperatures soaring up to 35 degrees celcius today so lets do the laundry…yea? I for one absolutely loathe doing the laundry! I dislike anything to do with clothes: washing, scrubbing (especially when you have toddlers), folding, ironing etc…Ironing is probably the most hated chore lol, and I’m sure you ladies agree with me on this one. Anyhow, we recently renovated the laundry…yes after I gave birth! I seem to love renovating during/after birth. When I had my firstborn, we renovated our kitchen. When I had my second, we renovated the bathroom. Now with number 3, we’ve just finished doing the laundry. Reason being: hubby gets a lot of time off-supposedly ‘paternal leave’ to look after his child & I…and since he just stays home, might as well be productive! Although the renovating part is finished, the decorating part is still in progress, so once its all completed I’ll snap photos and share it with you guys.

So hopefully by having a new laundry, I would enjoy doing it more…especially ironing (we bought a second hand wall mount ironing board/centre so it makes ironing a lotttt more convenient) Anyway the reason for this post is to share with you lovely readers a fabulous funny freebie I came across on Facebook. I extracted the quote and designed one to match my laundry decor. Click the link below to download the PDF, print and put it up in your laundry. Happy washing ya’ll!

*Printable is in A4/8×12″


  • Nov
  • 11
  • 2013

the day i will cherish forever…

This was what I walked into on Saturday afternoon, thinking it was just a casual lunch at my auntys! Oh My God– was my first reaction. I was definitely surprised and shocked but absolutely blown away! Only God knows how I felt inside, I was left speechless…even until today as I type this. Alhamdulillah I am so grateful to Allah, having bless me with such a beautiful sister (my one and only sister) and amazing relatives and friends who worked tremendously hard making this garden tea party a huge success.

As I walked in, I wasn’t quite sure what this party was for lol! It took me a good few seconds to sink in, and realise what is it that we are celebrating? ‘is this my almost there party? or a baby shower? Don’t think it would be a baby shower since I’m expecting my 3rd, so I’ll take the former :)

Very cute vintage party props, I cant believe my sister who has 1 year old twin boys managed to organise all this for me, Mashallah! Of course with lots of help from relatives and friends-you know who you are and I am forever grateful to have you all in my life :)

Its ‘Spring’ season here in Melbourne and the table setting was reflecting just that- spring colours! I absolutely love the table decor setting. Its so pastelly cute and girly. My Auntys house was the perfect location, whoever thought of it was a genius! Thanks Aunty Nola for being the words bestest host!

And of course, my talented and amazing friend Eda from Plaited Heart made this fondant cake. Did I mention she is super amazing? Mashallah, everyone was not only impressed by the look of this cake but also tasted delicious, soft and moist :)

This is absolutely brilliant! There were a few flavours of tea in here and the caption was “Find your Flavour”. I wonder how long it took to cut, and paste them onto each tea bag. Again, I’m just so grateful for everyones help in putting this party together :)

Last but not least, we all had lots of fun taking silly photos at the photo booth. I wont be uploading any photos, its just too embarassing lol. Alhamdulillah I enjoyed heaps myself despite my condition, and it was really good to get together and see familiar faces and of course, being kid free (thank you hubby for babysitting!).I can never repay those who have sacrificed their time and love into this, but you guys will be in my prayers. Thank you to everyone who helped, who came and to those who wanted but couldn’t make it, I love you all for the sake of Allah!

*Photographs by Eda from Plaited Heart

*Event styling and props by Elcin from Jellybean in my closet, and of course not forgetting the master of this event: my sister and relatives!

  • Mar
  • 25
  • 2013

{interior design} kitchen mood board

Here is a little teaser of something exciting that I am currently working on. Mood boards are often created as a basis for designing, ie- the research part. Once the designer and client have agreed with the theme/feel/look of the space, then the work begins! Design proposal, design documentation and design construction will take place one after another. So stay tuned!



  • Sep
  • 07
  • 2011

master bedroom 101

I probably need to write a separate post to my beloved husband just to thank him, a) for this house and b) for taking 3 weeks off work but instead of relaxing, working double the amount of time to get this house fixed, which he did most of it by himself Mashallah.

Every single room had a different patterned wallpaper, different patterned vinyl floor. Oh,  it was terrible.  My husband had to strip out the entire flooring in this house. Thank God he discovered original floorboards underneath it all, or we’d have to fork out more money to carpet the bedrooms. So now, we have polished timber floorboards. Yay. Alhamdulillah.

For our bedroom, I wanted something different from the rest of the house. I wanted to feel special. Glamourous. Dreamy. So I opted for a vintage glamour look. The first thing I wanted to do was – get rid of my low profile bed. Initially I thought of making my own bedhead but after some calculations and a bit of research, I finally found the perfect bed, with the perfect height + a high enough leathered bedhead that would satisfy my needs. Not to mention, at a very reasonable price too.  So our current bedhead is about 1.2 metres off the floor.

Everything is in black and white. To break it up, I added a tang of sweetness by having some fresh pink flowers on the bedside table. I didn’t want to overdo on adding more colours, because the highlight/focal point of the room is the gorgeous wallpaper itself. And then everything else just falls into place. I even kept the sheets as simple as possible.

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