Posts Tagged With 'free download'

  • Jun
  • 20
  • 2017

Week 4 | Eid Gift Tags

Printable DIY Eid Gift Tags

 *You may download this printable at the end of the post*


The last Freebie for Ramadan! How times flies and we’re only a few days till Eid. Have you wrapped your gifts yet? I have!

Spruce up your eid gifts with pretty pastel wrapping paper, or even just white! White wrappers make the gift tags ‘pop’ to make a statement!

Super cute, super easy and super impressive!

  • Jan
  • 27
  • 2014

laundry > love or loath?

Hello & Happy Monday all!

Its hot here in Melbourne with temperatures soaring up to 35 degrees celcius today so lets do the laundry…yea? I for one absolutely loathe doing the laundry! I dislike anything to do with clothes: washing, scrubbing (especially when you have toddlers), folding, ironing etc…Ironing is probably the most hated chore lol, and I’m sure you ladies agree with me on this one. Anyhow, we recently renovated the laundry…yes after I gave birth! I seem to love renovating during/after birth. When I had my firstborn, we renovated our kitchen. When I had my second, we renovated the bathroom. Now with number 3, we’ve just finished doing the laundry. Reason being: hubby gets a lot of time off-supposedly ‘paternal leave’ to look after his child & I…and since he just stays home, might as well be productive! Although the renovating part is finished, the decorating part is still in progress, so once its all completed I’ll snap photos and share it with you guys.

So hopefully by having a new laundry, I would enjoy doing it more…especially ironing (we bought a second hand wall mount ironing board/centre so it makes ironing a lotttt more convenient) Anyway the reason for this post is to share with you lovely readers a fabulous funny freebie I came across on Facebook. I extracted the quote and designed one to match my laundry decor. Click the link below to download the PDF, print and put it up in your laundry. Happy washing ya’ll!

*Printable is in A4/8×12″


  • Nov
  • 17
  • 2013

{collaboration} DIY Candle tutorial & a fabulous FREEBIE!

When my friend Pik from Sakina Design emailed me a month ago to do a free monthly collaboration for our fans, I was so excited to get right in as I was already planning to do DIY soy candles for myself! I told Pik I was giving birth early December so I could only do 1 collaboration (instead of monthly) before I my due date and then perhaps next year, I’ll jump back again on the bandwagon! Pik was excited about my idea of DIY soy candles and we decided that I’d do the tutorial step by step whilst she designs the labels and these labels are very customisable and will be FREE PRINTABLES for all you lovely fans. The download link is at the bottom of this post!

I have always been a soy candle lover! I love the smell, the sight and the whole ambience it creates. I light up my candles mainly at night, after cooking- to neutralise the house from any food smell and just to relax and wind down whilst the kids are in bed. The important thing about candles for me are 1- natural and 2-the smell… and probably cost as well lol!

So after years of buying candles, I thought, hey maybe its time I explore my other creative side and start making my own DIY homemade soy wax candles! I started just by googling ‘natural soy wax candle supplies’ and after a few Youtube videos, here I am to show you how I made mine. All you need is a beginners kit. My kit comes with everything you need to make your own candles, along with 6 glass jars (so they will keep you lighting for a while!) and with 3 choice of fragrance that you can choose from hundreds of scents, so I chose my favourite top 3.

1. Coconut & Lime

2. Sweet Pea & Vanilla

3. Lychee & Black Tea

I do love other scents too, but for now this will suffice. But I know what I want next time, strawberry, watermelon…mmm…basically anything fruity!




Items you will need (all included in this beginners kit)

*the image above just shows half of the beginners kit.

First, place the wick stickums (these are adhesive double sided) on one end of the wick.

Just before placing them in the glass jar, remove the other end sticker and firmly press it down the middle of the jar.

Place the wick holders (wooden stick) in between the wicks.

And now, peg each wick carefully positioning them in the middle of the glass on top of the wick holders.

In a double boiler, put the 100gram soy wax in and let it melt slowly. You can also do this in a microwave, but I’m not a fan of microwaves, so double boiler it is! Ensure that the wax reaches a temperature of around 80 to 85 degree Celsius – use the thermometer for this.

Once melted, pour the wax into the pouring jug and mix the whole bottle of fragrance in, stirring quickly but carefully with the bamboo stick. Note: You can also add colouring in this stage but since the beginners kit did not come with colouring, I didn’t bother. To me, smell is more important than colour, don’t you think? :)

Once mixed, pour the contents into each glass jar. This mixture will be enough to make 2 medium oxford candle jars. (remember, if you bought the beginners kit from this supplier, you still have 4 more glass candles and enough candle making supplies to fill up the rest of the 4 jars)

Now, leave it in a secure place and let it cool overnight before burning.

Your candles should look like this once cooled. Yay, we’re nearly there, just need to dress up these babies with Pik’s amazing labels!

Now, print off the labels here. But wait, before you do that, Pik has so kindly made these labels customisable just for you. You can write your own short text or quote on them via your PDF reader, how amazing is that? So even if you don’t wish to use them for candles, you can use these labels as gift tags, or gift cards, or anything you want! Simply write your desired text in the textline box and print! *You can only do this through a computer/laptop-not compatible with mobile phones*

And now stick the label on your candle. These labels are really adorable!


  • Aug
  • 02
  • 2013

Free Bonus Printable – Eid Money Packets/Envelopes!

Our FREE BONUS DIY Printable is all about MONEY!
*You may download this printable at the end of post*




As a child who grew up in Malaysia, I used to look forward to every Raya (Eid) because of the festive money!  My sister and I would collect so many Sampul duit raya (Eid money packets)  from parents, relatives, family friends etc. So basically, if you’re not married, you’ll get it! Its not a common practice back home to give out presents during Eid, though now, living in Australia and being married to a Lebanese, we do both traditions- give out presents and money to the little ones.


It is extremely hard, in fact, I don’t think I’ve seen any shops that give them out or sell them here in Melbourne. Every year I’d have to make my own ones or simply reuse old ones. So I thought it would be a great idea to give them out for FREE to all In My Studio Fans as part of my FREE DIY Confetti Collection Party Pack.

They are so easy to make, it only takes about a minute to finish 1. I have made it available in 2 languages, 1 in english (Eid Mubarak, Happy Eid) and another in Malay (Selamat Hari Raya, Salam Aidilfitri).

Materials needed for this project:

1. This printable template
2. A4 | 8×12” White paper (200 gsm | 110 lb +)
3. Ruler
4. Cutter or scissors
5. Double sided tape/glue

Using a ruler as well as scissors/cutter, carefully cut out each template.

Fold accordingly.

Then apply glue or sticky tape on the side flaps as noted on template.

I prefer using double sided tape as its less messy…so now peel it off…

And bring the back cover over, press it gently to make a finished money envelope.

Repeat the process until you have made your desired amount. There are a couple of designs that include ‘To & From” if you wish to name your money packets.

Now insert your money (notes are preferred over coins, the bigger the number, the better :p )

As for me, I have packaged these in a pack of 6 to give out to my parents and relatives, for free of course :)


  • Jul
  • 31
  • 2013

Guest Post on My Halal Kitchen!

The wait is over! Alhamdulillah my Salted Caramel Macadamia Cheesecake is now published on My Halal Kitchen.For the full recipe and more photos, please visit My Halal Kitchen Guest Post by Iva Izman.

To download my FREE DIY Eid Printables for the cakes such as cake flags, cupcake wrapper and cupcake flags, click here.

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