Posts Tagged With 'bunting flag'

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FREEBIE #2 | Eid Bunting Flags


Printable DIY Eid Bunting Flags

*You may download this printable at the end of this post*

Ever since my cousins wedding, my love for mint green sparked! Also, a few months ago I released my “Gold Collection” prints and they were a big hit alhamdulillah so I thought of offering mint + gold themed printables with a Marrakesh inspired pattern. I hope you enjoy crafting these bunting flags, they are so easy to do and take under 30mins to get done!

Materials needed for this project:
1. This printable template
2. A4/8×12” White paper (200gsm/110 lb +)
3. Ruler
4. Cutter and scissors
5. Hole punch
6. Ribbon or string

Cut the flag template using a cutter/scissors and ruler.

Use a hole puncher to make 2 holes on each flag.

Arrange them to make “EID MUBARAK”

Cut your string to the desired length (measure where you want to hang them first). Thread the string/ribbon through. The first letter, you need to put the string from the top (see pic above).

As a tip, once I thread the ribbon through, I put some sticky tape at the back to hold its position so when I am hanging these up, the ribbons and flags stay put in place :)

Start decorating…

Eid Mubarak!

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